The Remains
Last night I had another dream about you
In my dreams
I have no memory of your death
I have no judgement of your life
In my dreams you're just there
being you -
watching me, being me, watching you.
In every spiritual tradition I know there is a concept
of something within us that survives
after the flesh dissolves
It is the essence of is-ness
It is the pure awareness that is consciousness
it is the soul of a being -
the light that returns to its source.
It can not be found
because it is everywhere
in everything and
I did not know for sure it existed
until I saw it in you.
I saw that “something”
grow brighter and brighter
as I watched you fade away physically
as you flowed into silence and stillness -
as you accepted the Eucharist of surrender.
Two weeks earlier
coming out of unconsciousness
you looked at me and asked if you were going to survive.
“Am I going to make it?” you wanted to know
I promised you
that no one had given up
on your healing -
and you smiled with your hopes intact.
You were and are my sister
My other self
the self I never was
the self I never knew
the self that rescued me
from expectations I could not fulfil.
You were and are my sister -
A mirror, a constant companion, a constant teacher, a constant antagonist.
One year after your death - your transition
I want to believe that light remains
and that It survives in all things because
it is at the heart of creation -
not in the past but in the now.
It unites us in my dreams,
I have dreamed about our childhood;
I have dreamed about our laughter;
I have dreamed about our aging;
I have dreamed about our struggles -
and I never dreamed I would survive you.
Written for Andie...